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Engineered this platform to provide the guests with the overview of the resort they are staying and to provide them an interface for bookings.


Bojinee is a great system for the family looking out to have a great weekend out of the valley and withal to the people that are wishing to have a management system for their hotels & resorts where you can integrate, efface & update the room details, pricings, amenities that are compulsory for any hotel management system.

    • Consulting and Strategy
    • UI/UX Design
    • Front-end Development
    • Back-end Development


    • Bojinee faced trouble in managing their reservations as they were using other sites to give their guests the interface for the reservations.
    • Bojinee wished to put up the photos of their extravagant rooms and scenic environent of nagarkot on their website and desired it to be responsive.


    • At Port Fuse, we developed an interface for the guests to book their rooms which would send a mail to the admin and a message in their admin interface that allows Bojinee to manage their reservations.
    • Our team managed to fulfill the wish by allowing them to put up some high quality photos on the site that areresponsive and we also provided them with the ability to add and delete the photos.

Key Features

Robost UI Design

A platform offering various modes of video recording that caters to the client need. There is the option for direct and remote recording making the entire experience user-friendly, seamless and convenient. A leap towards next-generation video shooting, making, and promotion